Kiah - Available for adoption Available for adoption


I am a cross breed

I am a small but sparky dog

I am child friendly

I am dog friendly

I am stranger friendly

I am very clever

I especially like cuddles

I know how to sit and lots of other cues

I love fuss and attention

I love to play with toys

I will work for treats and food

Kiah′s Story

Hi there, I'm here to tell you our story, straight from a puppy's heart.

It all started when a kind rescuer spotted our mum while she was still pregnant with us. She was terrified and ran away whenever they got close. They never gave up, though. One day, they found her hiding in an abandoned house, where she had just given birth to us – five tiny pups. But again, our scared mum bolted, leaving us behind.

By the time the rescuers reached us, one of our siblings had already passed away. We were so weak and sick that they rushed us to the vet immediately. That’s when we heard the scary word “parvo virus” – a big, bad illness that made us feel so tiny and fragile. The vets did everything they could, but sadly, another one of us didn’t make it. And then there were three.

We fought with all our might, and against all the odds, we survived! Now, the three of us are safe at the 2nd Chance Dogs rescue center, starting our journey to recovery. We’re still young and have a lot of growing up to do, but we’re getting stronger every day.

Once we’re old enough and healthy, we’ll be on the lookout for our forever homes. Homes where we can be loved and cherished, with families who will care for us and make sure we never have to feel scared or alone again.

So, if you're looking for a little bundle of love who’s been through the toughest start in life but is ready for a bright, happy future, keep an eye out for us. We can’t wait to find our special homes and start our new lives filled with love and joy!

Character & Temperament

Despite our rocky start in life, my siblings and I make the most of every day! I’m a tiny little warrior, full of life, wonder, and curiosity! Being playful, fun-loving, and always ready for a new adventure, I'm the kind of pup who turns everything into a game.

Exploring is my absolute favorite! You see, the only places I knew before were that dirty, old abandoned house and the kennel at the vet’s, where I was bravely fighting for my life. Everything was so scary and new back then. But now? Every leaf, every shadow, every new face is a chance to discover something wonderful.

I love meeting new people, making new friends, and, oh, playing with toys – those are the best! I’m always up for a game of tug-of-war or fetch. And snuggling? I’m a pro at that too. After all the battles I’ve fought, cuddles and love are my rewards, and I can't get enough of them.

So, if you’re looking for a tiny bundle of joy who’s got the heart of a lion and the spirit of an explorer, I’m your pup! I’m ready to find a forever home where I can keep being playful, where I can keep exploring, and where I can give all the love I have.

Ideal Home for Kiah

So, what’s my dream home like? Let me tell you!

  1. Adventure Buddies: I’m all about exploring the world and discovering new things, so an active family that loves to play, go on walks, and maybe even take me on some cool outings would be perfect! Whether it’s a romp in the backyard, a hike in the woods, or a trip to the beach, I’m ready to join you in all your adventures!

  2. A Playground: A safe, fenced yard where I can run around and play would be amazing. I’m still discovering how fun life can be, and having my own little playground would make me the happiest pup ever. Imagine us playing fetch, rolling around, and enjoying the sunshine together!

  3. Cuddles and Snuggles: After a day full of fun and excitement, I’m all about those cozy cuddle sessions. A family that loves to snuggle up on the couch with a furry friend is just what I need. I promise to give you all the puppy kisses and love in return!

  4. Puppy-Friendly Playmates: If you have other pets, especially dogs, that’s a big bonus! I’m a social butterfly and love having playmates to bounce around with. But don’t worry if you don’t – I’m just as happy to be the center of your world!

  5. Kind and Patient Hearts: I’ve had a rough start, so I need a family that understands that I’m still learning about the world and how to trust. Gentle, patient humans who can give me time to adjust and lots of love will help me continue to blossom into the confident, happy pup I’m meant to be.

  6. A Life Full of Wonder: I’m curious and full of wonder about everything. So, a home where I can keep exploring, learning, and growing would be perfect. Maybe we can learn new tricks together, explore new places, and find out what makes each day special.

If you’re looking for a playful, loving, and resilient little pup to brighten your days and share all the joys of life with, then I think we’re a perfect match! Let’s create a beautiful life together, full of fun, laughter, and lots of tail-wagging moments. 


Trainers Evaluation


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